Aplikasi Absensi Menggunakan QR Code


  • rizky fauzy a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:19:"UNIVERSITAS HARAPAN";}
  • Husni Lubis Universitas Harapan
  • Fachrul Rozi Lubis Universitas Harapan




Keywords: attendance, QR code, website, data


In general, the student learning process will be absent every day with the aim of knowing whether
the student can find out whether the student can follow the learning process. Land problems
currently still use the manual way of doing attendance which will then encounter several obstacles
including easily damaged such as attendance data that is often lost, the difficulty in finding student
attendance data and the slow time in processing student attendance data, it is considered that there
are still many information systems that have not been implemented. one of them is an attendance
information system for students. To overcome this problem, an attendance application will be
designed that utilizes QR code technology that handles the student attendance process, so that it
can assist in searching for data and information. This study was built using the php programming
language and mysql database, the purpose of this research is to produce student attendance
applications using website-based QR code technology and make attendance processing effective


Download data is not yet available.


C. Sianipar and R. Ambarita, “Analisis dan Eksperimental Performasi Kompresi Uap 2 Tingkat dengan Variasi 4 Siklus”, JuKSIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–5, Dec. 2022.

R. Telambanua, “Dampak Sistem Wide-Body Aircraft pada Penerbangan (Studi Kasus: Air Traffic Service Center Medan)”, JuKSIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6–9, Dec. 2022.

T. Anatasya, “Kajian Jarak Aman Antara Arrival Traffic dan Departure Traffic Pada Unit Aerodrome Control Tower di Perum LPPNPI Kantor Cabang Medan ”, JuKSIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 15–18, Dec. 2022.

C. Siburian, “Dampak Larutan Asam Sulfat (H2SO4) dan Asam Klorida (HCl) Terhadap Laju Korosi baja karbon sedang dengan perlakuan Waktu Bervariasi”, JuKSIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–14, Dec. 2022.

T. Manurung, “Analisis Perbandingan Kekuatan Bahan Komposit Dengan Variasi Susunan Acak Dan Lurus Memanjang Berbasis Serat Bambu Dan Resin Polyester ”, JuKSIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 19–23, Dec. 2022.

J. Parningotan Sinaga, “Pengaruh Pemenuhan Slot Time Terhadap Target Take-Off Time di Perum LPPNPI Cabang Utama Jakarta Air Traffic Service Center”, JuKSIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24–27, Dec. 2022.




How to Cite

Fauzy, R., Lubis, H., & Lubis, F. R. (2022). Aplikasi Absensi Menggunakan QR Code. Jurnal Media Informatika, 4(1), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.55338/jumin.v4i1.401