Education on the Flow of Hospital Emergency Room Services at Husnul Khotimah Mosque, Pekanbaru City
Emergency, Services, Flow, Knowledge, TriageAbstract
The Emergency Department is one of the units in a hospital that provides initial patient care, according to the level of severity. The Emergency Department provides appropriate care as quickly as possible for emergency or life-threatening medical conditions. A screening officer will sort patients into triage groups. The triage groups consist of red triage, yellow triage, green triage, and black triage. The purpose of this community service is to provide education to the public regarding the screening carried out at the Emergency Department, because there are still many people who do not understand and are confused about the treatment provided at the Emergency Department. The method used includes lectures, discussions, questions and answers, simulation of service activities carried out based on triage in the emergency department. This activity involves the community around the husnul khotimah mosque which is expected to be able to provide education to other communities. This socialization succeeded in increasing the understanding of the community regarding the flow of Emergency Room services in the hospital seeing from the existing triage, where at the time of socialization an understanding test was held at the beginning before socialization and an understanding test at the end of the session after education. It is hoped that the socialization that has been carried out can provide understanding to the community so that they can understand the flow of emergency installation services in the hospital
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marian Tonis, Muhammad Firdaus, Marido Bisra, Puan Gustama Arrum

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