Perancangan Sistem Informasi Presensi Karyawan Pada CV. Alisa Kota Tegal Berbasis Website


  • Tennia Septiani Fahestin Univeritas Teknologi Digital
  • Wahyu Krishantoro Universitas Teknologi Digital



Analysis, CV. Alisa, Employees, Presence, Information systems


On CV. Alisa applies a conventional attendance system, namely employees send photos when they arrive at the location via a special WhatsApp group for attendance. Problems that often occur in CV. Alisa said that before the admin recorded it, the file had been deleted. As a result, they cannot record the employee's attendance data and the employee could be dishonest because this method of attendance is not effective because it can be manipulated, errors that often occur make the administration overwhelmed. This happens because the process of recapitulating employee attendance data is currently carried out using a manual counting system and errors often occur during this process. Data collection methods were carried out using several methods, namely observation, interviews and library research methods. Meanwhile, the analysis method used uses four steps, namely current system survey, survey and analysis, identification of information needs, and identification of system requirements, and the design method used in this PKL report uses the UML (Unifield Modeling Language) method. Results from analysis of the employee attendance system at CV. Alisa, which is still conventional, causes several problems, so researchers plan to design a website-based employee attendance information system that can improve employee performance and simplify the payroll process.


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How to Cite

Fahestin, T. S., & Wahyu Krishantoro. (2025). Perancangan Sistem Informasi Presensi Karyawan Pada CV. Alisa Kota Tegal Berbasis Website. Jurnal Media Informatika, 7(1), 53-61.