Fundamental Membangun Keluarga Harmonis: Memaknai Kewajiban Orang Tua Dan Anak Perspektif QS. Al-Anfal ayat 27 dan QS. Luqman Ayat 14


  • Hamdi Hamdi IAIN Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah
  • Noorazmah Hidayati IAIN Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah



Fundamental, Keluarga Harmonis, Kewajiban Orang Tua, Kewajiban Anak, QS. Al-Anfal ayat 27, QS. Luqman Ayat 14


Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the fundamentals of building a harmonious family in interpreting the obligations of parents and children from the perspective of QS. Surat Al-Anfal verse 27 and QS. Luqman verse 14. This study uses a qualitative approach and uses a literature review or library research. The data analysis used according to the concept offered by Miles and Huberman is to explore and review the data until saturated data is obtained which is done by collecting all data, then reducing the data, presenting the data and making conclusions. The results of this study indicate that parents and children must always carry out their obligations as described in QS. Surat Al-Anfal verse 27 and QS. Luqman verse 14 Maintaining trust and doing good to parents is essential. Responsive parenting patterns and positive interactions between parents and children greatly affect the social and emotional development of children. Research shows that when parents actively listen and respond to children's needs, children are more likely to show positive behavior and respect their parents. Parental involvement in education, both at school and at home, contributes to children's motivation and self-confidence. By fulfilling each other's obligations, the relationship between parents and children can be mutually supportive.


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How to Cite

Hamdi, H., & Hidayati, N. . (2025). Fundamental Membangun Keluarga Harmonis: Memaknai Kewajiban Orang Tua Dan Anak Perspektif QS. Al-Anfal ayat 27 dan QS. Luqman Ayat 14. Jurnal Media Informatika, 7(1), 164-168.