Review: Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Alergenisitas Ikan


  • Indria Mahgfirah Unversitas Abulyatama
  • Harumi Sujatmiko Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam



Alergenisitas, Alergen, Ikan, Pengolahan


In underdeveloped and even developing countries, fish is the main source of animal protein to meet daily protein needs. However, for some people, fish consumption can cause allergic reactions. Clinical manifestations of fish allergies vary from mild to severe symptoms, even life-threatening. One effort that can be made to reduce fish allergenicity is by applying a processing process, but the processing has different effects on fish allergenicity, namely, it can decrease, increase, or even not change at all. This paper aims to examine the impact of processing processes (non-thermal and thermal) on fish allergenicity to provide a general picture of the effects of processing on fish allergenicity. A thorough understanding of changes in allergenicity due to the application of processing processes is needed to determine the most appropriate processing for reducing fish allergenicity. In addition, this paper also discusses the mechanism of allergic reactions and the main fish allergen, namely parvalbumin.


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How to Cite

Mahgfirah, I., & Sujatmiko, H. (2025). Review: Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Alergenisitas Ikan . Jurnal Media Informatika, 7(1), 212-218.