Pembelajaran berbasis Multimodal: Persepsi dan Pengalaman Mahasiswa
Kreatif, Literasi Digital, Multimodal, Teks Digital, Tugas DigitalAbstract
The learning process, both online and onsite, requires and hones many digital competencies through multimodal implementation. Multimodal is a manifestation of the use of information and communication technology media providing a digital literacy process for students. This research aims to describe how students perceive the application of multimodality in the assignments given, and how they experience digital literacy in multimodal-based assignments. This survey research uses questionnaires and interviews in data collection. The results of this research found students’ positive perception that the application of multimodal was very effective, namely effective in speed and ease of access for completing the assignments. Multimodal encourages them to be independent in accessing the assignments so this independence encourages their activeness in completing the assignments. This research also shows that multimodal application has a role in providing students with digital literacy experiences. Freedom to choose capital when carrying out assignments can encourage students to be creative in realizing the results or products of their assignments. This research provides the application of multimodal by paying attention to the interaction space which leads students to gain positive experiences by giving them the freedom to choose moda for assignments carried out in their basic psychological needs in learning. This research recommends that future research link the use of multimodal to improving students' English skills, both oral and written.
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